Dawn Colclasure's Blog

Author and poet Dawn Colclasure

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Working in a Loop


You know how you want something to happen, but you can’t figure out HOW to make it happen?


You know, how you get tired of something not going the way you want it to for so long? That frustration over Once. Again. Not working on a goal that you hope to accomplish?


That happened to me recently, with my ability to work on my books. I just couldn’t figure out how to find the time to work on them on top of everything else I was doing. Weeks and then months would go by when I would look back to see what I had gotten done each week, and very rarely was I satisfied with the amount of work I was getting done on my books.


I have several WIPs in different stages of production. I have books to write, books to revise, and books to edit. (Yes, they’re all mine.) So, yes, I was getting frustrated that I wasn’t spending enough time working on any of them. If I didn’t get these books ready to submit, they would just sit there, unfinished, forever!


And I didn’t want that.


See, in addition to my books to work on, I also have a backlog of books to review. (Many thanks to all the authors for their patience with me!) I also have to make time for my new gig. Plus, I try to get something “freelance writing” done every Monday through Friday. So it was hard to find time to work on the books. My morning writing usually went to writing other stuff – mostly, stuff for the freelance writing.


So as July came to an end, I told myself, “August will be different.” Even though I didn’t know HOW it would be different.

But somehow, the universe figured that out for me.


The first day of August rolled around and, do you know what happened? I was able to work on some of my books! I was hoping to spend time working on 10 WIPs (there are many more!), but I was only able to work on four.


But, that’s okay! That is STILL work done on my books!


Here’s how I made it happen:


I made a list of what books I NEED to get done soon. One of them has a deadline and another is for an open call that will be rolling around soon. A third is for a new imprint I’m hoping to have ready in time for Valentine’s Day. And, et cetera. You get the idea.


Then, on August 1st, I started my day working on the book that is at the top of my list. After I finished, I started reading one of the seven books I am reviewing, which I also listed, in order of priority. After that, I would tackle any one of these things: Something related to freelance writing, work on the newsletter, something to write and work in any one of my “weekly” things like posting on my horror blog or writing something for the Substack (which will now be sent out on the weekends).


Then I would go back to working on the next book on my list and repeat the other things.


As for any of the other WIPs and other books on both lists which I am not able to get to during the week, I’ll work on them during the weekends! In addition to the other weekend stuff which I usually do.


This method is working well so far. I am STILL able to tend to my other writing responsibilities while getting work done on my books.


And because I like to keep myself accountable, at the end of the day, I write down how many books I was able to spend time reviewing. This is why I keep the ones with deadlines at the top of my list. As long I get some work done on THOSE, then it was a good day.


It’s a system that works for me, and I’m so happy to be moving forward on my books again. I’m just thrilled that I’m able to work on my books as often as I would like to.


It’s a method that works for me, and if you too have been stuck in trying to figure out how to find time for a project, I hope you find a method that works for you too.

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