Dawn Colclasure's Blog

Author and poet Dawn Colclasure

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Don't Say "No," Say "Maybe" Instead!

When it comes to being a freelance writer, there’s always the chance that something new will pop up. A writer may change what kind of freelance work they do or new opportunities will arise.


For me, as a writer of short fiction who enjoys submitting short stories to anthologies, I have learned that I should never say “no” to an anthology call that I am interested in. If I don’t currently have any stories matching what the anthology call is requesting, but I am interested in the theme, then I’ll say “maybe” instead. There’s always a chance I could write a short story which fits their theme between now and the deadline.


I was thinking about this recently when I came across two anthologies being done by a couple of friends. I was interested in the theme, but I didn’t have anything to send for it yet. So I let them know that should anything develop, I’ll be sure to send it their way.


Creativity can often surprise us. One day, we’ll be creating one thing, and then, a week later, we are creating something else entirely. Something we have never created before.


Additionally, there are always new ideas for stories popping up. You never know what kind of story you could be writing next! For example, one day a publisher mentioned an idea for an anthology. I didn’t have anything to submit at that time but, several days later, an idea for a story which fits the theme popped into my head and I started writing it.


If you are a creative, learn to be open to new ideas and new opportunities. It’s all the better if you have time to come up with something for a new opportunity. So instead of saying “no” to this new opportunity, say “maybe” instead. It just might be a new type of experience and opportunity for you as a creative.

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