Dawn Colclasure's Blog

Author and poet Dawn Colclasure

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Another Successful Celebration of National Poetry Month!

Today is the last day of National Poetry Month and I celebrated all things poetry like it was nobody’s business.


Before the month started, I decided that my goal for this month would be to read as many poetry books as I was able to. Check!


Then, on the first day of National Poetry Month, I had a poem published on the Alien Buddha Press blog. You can read it here.


That gave me the idea: Why not submit a poetry book to a publisher in honor of the month? I have several unpublished poetry manuscripts thanks to my hiatus from self-publishing them as well as being unable to find a publisher for them. So I decided, why not give it another try this month? The publisher I submitted the manuscript to expressed interest, but right now, that particular publishing company is on hiatus so no contract for that book has been signed yet.


Then, later this month, I had a “surprise” poetry book pop up. I noticed I had poems that were on a common theme, so I whipped it together into a short collection of poetry and submitted it to a publisher. They accepted the book. Yay!


After this, I saw a call for manuscript submissions from a publisher I have hoped to be published by for some time. After some debate, I decided to submit a poetry manuscript that I have had trouble finding a publisher for. Imagine my delight and gratitude when they accepted this manuscript for publication! I am so thrilled this poetry book finally has a home. It will release in June!


Also this month, I had a poem published in a newsletter I have been subscribed to for some time. I read a recent issue and was surprised to see that the newsletter owner welcomed submissions. So I contacted him and asked about submitting some poetry. He said I could go ahead and send some poems and, since Earth Day was coming up, I submitted poems on the topics of nature and ecology. I figured he would accept only one of the poems I submitted but he accepted all of them! Yay! I was so excited by this. The first one, “I Am One with Nature,” was published on Earth Day.


I also wrote up an article on short poetry books for my monthly newsletter. Some of the poetry books which I read this month were for the purpose of that article. I included in that article short poetry books which I have read, either recently or in the past. You can check out that article at this link.


More work was done on one poetry book I am revising and another one which I am writing. I also ran an idea for a special poetry book project by one of my publishers and she gave the green light. I look forward to writing this one! I also have two other ideas for poetry books to put together, so hopefully I will get around to creating those files (I have already written some poems for these two book ideas).


And, of course, I also wrote poems here and there throughout the month. Like I already do every other month!


I am very satisfied with everything I did this month in honor of National Poetry Month. What started with one goal to celebrate poetry with this month turned into something bigger and better! I am excited about these new ventures in my poetry writing journey and I look forward to seeing everything come to fruition.

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