With a Little Help From My (Character) Friends: Guest blog post by Charlene A. Wilson

A writer of paranormal romance, Charlene loves what magic can add to relationships. She currently lives in a small rural town in Arkansas and enjoys close family ties with her two beautiful daughters.
Charlene’s interest in writing began in her early teens and she took any creative writing courses available. As she married and started a family, she had to set aside her writing and focus on the more pressing matters of job and family.
Many of the attitudes and personalities woven into her characters were taken from those she worked with while serving as a Deputy at a large detention center. From kindness to bigotry, the variety of personal outlook was amazing. As time now affords her, she is able to pursue her love of writing and incorporates those experiences into some of her work.
Her first novel, Cornerstone Deep, was published in November 2010 by Class Act Books. Her second, Cornerstone Deep Echoes, was released February 2012, also by Class Act Books. The stories keep coming and she keeps typing. On to the next!
Welcome, Charlene!
Thank you for having me here today, Dawn. It’s a real treat. My characters started gearing up to make an appearance today until I told them I’d be handling this one. I had to promise to share a couple clips from our new release, Cornerstone Deep Echoes, before they calmed down and let me type this up. Lol.
Back when I began writing as a teen, I never would have dreamed my stories would ever make it to publication. Well, I might have dreamed about it. But, never believed or expected to see it happen. From the time I was little, my imagination carried me to wherever I wanted to go, gave me everything I wanted to have, and became any kind of friend I wanted.
I was born in Florida, and with a father that loved to wonder the states, I’ve lived all over this country. We finally settled in a small community in Arkansas where nature sings all around me, from the birds in the countless trees to the cows in the fields across the way. (Yeah, they call it lowing. I call it singing). I’m a mother of two beautiful daughters, a fuzzy dog named KooJo, and a gray cat, Chester. I still imagine friends in far-away places. Now, though, I write them down and share them with others.
I was labelled a writer when I was 16. I would write short stories about dreams I had and shared them with my friends. For a time there I even wrote short plays that my youth group acted out for family and friends. I guess I’ll never know what everyone really thought about the productions, but we had so much fun and I’m sure our parents were just happy to have something to keep their kids occupied and out of trouble. Lol.
Several of my stories come from dreams: Scenes, settings, plots… And many of the attitudes and personalities woven into the characters are taken from those I worked with while serving as a Deputy at a large detention center. You can find it all in those places. Kindness, bigotry, spirituality, opportunism; the variety of personal outlooks is amazing.
Lord Dressen’s character from Cornerstone Deep Echoes was very easy for me to write. He’s the villain of the story.
He peered back at the bluff and greed curled his lips. But what of beyond? Realms. Rich with possibility.
His baritone voice rasped as he spoke. “Soon.” He nodded in agreement with his thoughts. “Craft and deed will take me to you.”
Though, he does have his reasons for doing the things he does. Then, don’t we all. Life is just complicated. I don’t believe anyone is all good or completely bad.
Cole, the hero of the story, is pretty tarnished himself. He’s led by his heart, and with that trait, he makes some decisions that really should have been made with a level head. But he’s such a romantic soul. And when Mianna speaks in her unique poetic way, he’s just gone.
In this excerpt, Cole is troubled by something that came to light. I can’t share what it was or it would give away too much. But it effected how he viewed the love he and Mianna shared so long ago. Nothing could dim his love for her, but the information weighed heavy on him.
~ * ~
Adoration flowed from behind him, touching his senses. Slender hands smoothed his shirt to his waist and a soft form leaned to his back. His heart melted and he closed his eyes. Mianna. Unrest fled. Doubt disappeared. Once again, Mianna’s soul spoke to his as none other had or would. He lifted an arm to turn and hold her in his embrace.
Her brow wrinkled with worry. “You’ve been distant.”
Her soul’s call washed through him and he brushed her long hair with a gentle stroke. “I’m sorry, my love.”
She caressed his forehead with her fingertips, erasing the tension there.
“Hush thy worries. Still thy mind.
For within my arms,
love’s sweet bliss will heal thy soul.
Cares of life be gone.”
Cole rested his cheek on her soft locks, allowing her poetic tongue to sooth him.
“Whispers, wings of love’s caress,
light upon thy heart.
Gazes, speak of my soul’s want.
Body, sing their praise.”
She gently placed a hand to his cheek, guiding him to look into her eyes.
“I long. I pray thee touch me.
Carry forth my will.
Leave behind the world, my love.
Be this moment mine.”
Cole’s heart wrapped around her plea and the reality of her return filled his being. She was his. Now and forever. “This moment, my life, my existence is yours.” He cradled her face with his hands. “Every breath you take is a song to my soul.”
Her words fell to his lips in a hush. “Make love to me, Cole. I need to feel you still love me.”
The breath of Zephyr flowed freely and licorice and cream rode his whisper. “How could you ever doubt.”
He loves Mianna with his whole being. Would do anything to keep her safe…and his. But Lord Dressen is determined to win her over one way or the other…to the point of obsession.
Really, these characters made it clear how they wanted their stories told. Comments, quirks, personalities, they all came to light as the scenes unfolded. Cole’s brothers, James and Vincent, are no different. *leans in to whisper* Quite honestly, I think their magical abilities have gone to their heads.
Vincent: *swings the door wide* Now, I’m more down to Earth than a lot of people from Earth, Charlene. There’s not one scene in either Cornerstone Deep or Cornerstone Deep Echoes that I treat anyone different because I’m able to…
Cole: *steps past him* Blow things up? *smirks and shuffles into the room* And if we hadn’t kept you up all night with details about the Arched Spectrum of Realms you’d have never figured it all out.
James: *leans his head past the door jam* I don’t believe Charlene meant her comment to be cruel, you two. *looks at Charlene, a little doubt on his face and enters* And what about announcing the release of the second book in the Chronicles of Shilo Manor series. We’re on tour.
I knew you guys would be listening in. *hooks her arm around James’s thick arm* Of course, I didn’t mean anything by my comment. I wanted to let everyone know you were special. *glances at blog readers and winks* I hope you fall in love with them as much as I have.
And yes, we’re on tour for the release of Cornerstone Deep Echoes and Dawn was wonderful to host us as one of our stops. We’re holding weekly and grand prize drawings for all those who comment and leave an email address where I can get in touch with them if they win. You can get all the details, including what you could win and how you can gain more entries, at ShiloManor.com.

And I would love you to join me around the web!
Author site: http://CharleneAWilson.com

Blog: http://CharleneAWilsonblog.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Charlene-A-Wilson-Romance-Author/162568770441255
Twitter: http://twitter.com/AuthorCAWilson
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/charlene-a-wilson/15/989/1b8

Cornerstone Deep Echoes is available is paperback and e-formats. Here’s where you can get them:
Buy Links:
Class Act Books: (kindle) http://bit.ly/xcEBuy
Class Act Books: (paperback) http://bit.ly/yhaY6j
Amazon: (Kindle) http://amzn.to/CDEchoesk
Amazon: (Paperback) http://amzn.to/CDEpb

Mianna’s return heals Cole’s soul and he promises to follow her for the rest of his existence. But the past isn’t what he believes. The fight for her has only begun.
Lord Dressen’s obsession grows as unexpected knowledge is revealed. His search for Mianna has spanned six life times and he won’t give up now. The courts stand behind him. Power pulses through his veins. Determination peeks and not even Cole Shilo can stop him. He will win his prize.
Struggling to stay ahead, Cole’s anger explodes. Nothing is sacred when it comes to keeping his love—not even covenants made with gods. But, through all his efforts, lofty or damned, the truth remains. Will echoes of another life cause him to fail?
"Every breath you take is a song to my soul."
Labels: authors, books, guest blogging