25 minutes
This was Deadline Week. And I've been spending ALL week trying to figure out what the heck to write about for Shadowlands this time 'round. You would think that after a few years, the old idea well might've run dry by now. But, nope! Seems like there's ALWAYS something to write about as far as ghosts and hauntings are concerned.
But when I come up with an idea for Shadowlands, I have to do a little extra mental work first. I look up articles on the site to see if the topic is already on there. Then, if not, I try to recall if I've seen this kind of article in past issues of the newsletter. (I am NOT like some editors I know who have a mental inventory of every single article published, but I do try to recall some articles in their newsletters which I have read.) If I get it wrong and they HAVE done this topic, I trust will be notified by Dave Juliano. Still, doesn't hurt to try to think about it first! (I have not been with Shadowlands from the very beginning and I know of other writers who've been writing for them longer than I have!)
As I brainstormed for an article to write, I tried to think of what's been going on with my research of the paranormal this month. What news have I come across? What movies have I seen which sparked an idea? What Web sites have I visited? Hmmm.
Then I thought, wait a minute. Web sites. That's it! I can write about Web sites!
Hm, should I do a "top 5" list? Nah. Notables? Nope.
Then I recalled certain problems I have been having with paranormal-themed sites lately. Sites which, let's see, have TONS of graphics on them, confusing me as I wade through the pages trying to find stuff. Or which have NO contact info on them (like an email address). Sites with dead links. Sites that scream "amateur!" And, of course, you gotta love the sites which, on one hand, try to show the paranormalist in a serious light but, on the other hand, have pictures and negative references to girls with...large cleavage.
So, I could write about the low-down on creating your own paranormal-themed site, and some tips on what to include, as well as what NOT to include. I don't have my own paranormal-themed site, but after all the stuff I saw and went through with other sites, I thought I might "file a complaint" via a helpful, educational article.
Thing of it was, by this time, I had to REALLY get the ball rolling. I had 25 minutes to write the first draft before it was time for a shower. (If I don't shower EARLY in the morning before the baby wakes up, I won't have another window of time until noon!) Hm, 25 minutes to write the first draft of an article?
I'll give it a shot!
But I didn't get it done in time. In fact, it took me 50 minutes to write that first draft! At nearly 1400 words. (After I finished editing it later on, it was a little over 1400 words.)
Because of this, I had to change my schedule. Instead of getting my daughter up for school 30 minutes earlier, I'd have to wake her up at the usual time.
With this change, I had 25 minutes to take my shower. Just 25 minutes, again!
At least THAT was a time limit I was able to meet -- even at under 20 minutes.
Hey, at least I got my article done!
I'll wash my hair later....
Labels: writing