Dawn Colclasure's Blog

Author and poet Dawn Colclasure

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

What am I doing here?

If I'm not posting on the blogs as I usually do, there is only one very good reason: I'm busy writing my buns off! It used to be that this was the general idea people would pick up on when they stop hearing friom me. My friends and family know that if I'm not answering emails regularly or calling them up so often, it's because I'm busy WRITING!

And you can usually tell just how busy I am with the writing by taking one look at my house. Normally, I am a neat freak, going on cleaning spress to make the house all tidy and dust-free. But when the laundry starts piling up, the dishes don't get done, we start eating PB&J for dinner and the dog doesn't get a bath, that is when I'm hip-deep in a book project. And I don't apologize for that, either. If I've got a deadline, I've GOT to meet it! If I fall behind, I've GOT to catch up!

And "catching up" is exactly what I have been doing a lot of this week. Last week, things were SO HECTIC, I couldn't work on my books for THREE DAYS! EEK! That put a dent in my schedule so I've been spending HOURS this week trying to get caught up. I'm working on the haunted houses book more than my MG novel, mainly because I have a co-author depending on me to get stuff to her. I'm committed to 3 chapters this week, so I'm trying to get them written up. I'm also working on a HUGE, exhaustive appendix which we both are going to be writing up. I'm just writing up my half of it.

Lately, though, I've noticed that I've used some of my spare time to do non-writing things. Like go on MySpace (even though I only log in over there just ONCE a day!!) and check email half a dozen times. (That's a bad habit, I think...) And I have to stop myself and ask, "If I've got so much writing to get done, what am I doing HERE?" I WILL log in at places where I NEED to log in. Like, if there's a special occasion, or something. But other than that, I've had to remind myself that if it's NOT related to my book projects, save it for later.

After I get the bulk of my work done and AFTER I get caught up, THAT is when I can get online to play.

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