Call for interviewees: How do YOU revise your fiction?
Currently, I am working on Part Two, which discusses revising fiction. It talks about fixing a manuscript or story scene-by-scene, problems with characters, fixing your plot, how the "show, don't tell" rule can hurt your story, getting rid of the fluff and losing the filler in your stories, and POV problems.
I would love to receive feedback from you about those things if you are a fiction writer or editor. Or, feedback about any other thing as far as revising your fiction is concerned! You DO NOT need to be a published or famous writer of fiction to be included! I am totally open to receiving input from all writers of fiction. I'm also looking for checklists, tips and blog posts or articles by fiction writers/editors that is related to revising fiction.
You can leave a comment with your input on any of those things or email me for specific questions and further details about those chapters.
Thank you. :)