Dawn Colclasure's Blog

Author and poet Dawn Colclasure

Sunday, February 23, 2014

An interesting experiment in writing fiction

I recently updated the page on my web site that listed the books I’m currently working on. (Wow, that was long overdue! A lot has changed since that last update, including one nonfiction book being turned back into a series.) As I went over that list, I marveled over how I am working on not one but TWO fiction books at the same time.

Last year, for NanoWriMo, I had a story I needed to get out there. This story had been growing in that workshop of my mind for some time, so when November came along, I jumped onto the NaNoWriMo bandwagon and started writing it. That first draft is not perfect, but I did get the nuts and bolts of my story onto paper. It’s the first book in a YA fantasy trilogy. I knew it was going to turn into a trilogy as I wrote it, because the story kept growing and growing as I wrote it.

And I have decided that I will finish writing this trilogy, writing Book 2 in the near future.

But, wait! I’m also working on a middle grade paranormal mystery series! Book 2 in that series will be out in April, and I have some other stories in this series to write, as I have not yet written all of the 12 stories in this series (some of those stories are still first drafts; there are two stories in each book).

So, yes, I’m working on those stories, too. Hm, me writing two fiction books at the same time? I have never done this. With nonfiction, it’s an easy thing to manage, since the books are in different stages of development and I can easily switch from one subject to another (one habit I thankfully strengthened during the days I was writing for e-How). I know for a fact, however, I cannot revise two fiction books at the same time. I have actually attempted this and ended up getting confused. So maybe writing one and revising another might work. Well, it WOULD if it was for the same series. (Hm, I can still try even THAT!) So I’ll have to try this out and see how it works.

And if it doesn’t work, I can always wait for the next NaNoWriMo to come around to write the next book in the fantasy series. I have time, since I’m not planning on doing anything with THAT series until I finish getting through (and getting published) the MG series.

I guess for a while I’m going to be a serial writer!

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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Isn't writing passion enough?

It never fails that I have to deal with occasional snobbery from other people just because I don’t make millions of dollars as a writer, I'm not famous or because none of my books have been published by a major publisher. (Not YET, anyway! Someday I’ll get there.) But today I was surprised that I was actually passed over by someone who I have known for years, consider to be my friend and who I thought accepted me even though I’m not famous, am not on TV and am not in the media spotlight. (I don’t want ANY of that, anyway!)

Well, I guess I was wrong.

I found out that this friend and fellow writer probably thinks less of me because she did not include me in her book about deaf people pursuing their passions. I am deaf. I am pursuing my passion: Writing! So why did she not include me? I have to admit I was a little hurt she did not include me. This was only a reminder of SO MANY people I have had to deal with declining to be included in one of my books because it’s not being published by a Big Name publisher or because I am, in their eyes, a NOBODY. So many times people respond to my email requests with “You’re not important enough” or “You’re not famous enough.” Or “Go away, you crazy stalker! Get a life!”

And all I see is their saying, “You’re not important.”

Now, I am trying really hard not to consider this in understanding why my friend did not include me in her book. I mean, she has some big-name people in there. Why not me?

Or is it because writing is not considered to be a “passion”? Is it not enough that I am doing what I love to do?

I love being a writer, and I enjoy being a writer even though I am not making a living as a writer. You know what? That’s okay with me! Some people can make a living as a writer; more power to them! I am just not one of them. And I am totally FINE with that. I love to write and I will STILL write even if I end up starving someday. Because writing is my passion. It is what I love to do. I will never stop writing. That stuff is pretty hard to turn off! I will continue to write despite what others think and despite whether or not I make a name for myself doing it. I will always write, because writing is my passion, even if it may not be seen as a passion in the eyes of other people.
