Dawn Colclasure's Blog

Author and poet Dawn Colclasure

Friday, March 25, 2005


I read something in a book this week that really touched a nerve with me. It talked about how, when we have a broken heart, we need to treat it like a broken arm. We need to put it into a cast and give it ample time to heal. This touched a nerve with me because I realized how much it spoke of my own personal situation right now. Yes, I am broken-hearted but also scared, feeling betrayed and confused. I’m not going into too much detail about what’s going on – I used the word “personal” for a reason – but I can only say it’s pretty bad and pretty big.

The thing of it is, though, I didn’t give my heart enough time to heal. I realized this as I sat at the desk yesterday and just burst into tears. For no reason at all. It was then that I knew I had to take some downtime. I did that time-sensitive article; everything else can be done whenever I can get it done. Right now, though, I have to turn inward and try to recover from this pain. I have started a journal to help me through this and that has helped me. A LOT. Writing has always helped me to get through the hurdles in life. But this journal isn’t going to be read by anybody except me. It’s just everything that’s in my heart and in my head. Writing them all down makes it easier for me to keep going on.

I may not post in here as I normally do. I don’t even know how much I’ll be using a computer except to make phone calls and work on my projects when I’m able to. I may post every once in a while but since this blog is not meant for non-writing-related posts it might not be too often. But who knows? Maybe I’ll gain new insights as a writer with the whole journal-writing thing.


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